<방과후 설레임> 참가자 모집
- 사진, 영상 촬영 시 기본 카메라를 사용해주세요.
- 지원 영상은 방송제작 외 목적으로 사용되지 않습니다.
- 1차 합격자들에 한해 개별연락 드립니다.
- Use only basic camera (No filter, photo apps)
- Applicant's personal information is used only for broadcast production.
- Audition results will be sent to selected individuals only, via the contact provided on the submitted application
- 写真映像の撮影には基本カメラを使ってください。
- 応募して頂いた動画は放送制作外の目的では使用されません。
- 1次合格者に限り、個別にご連絡いたします。
- 拍摄照片视频时,请使用一般相机
- 试镜影片只用于节目范围,不另做其他使用
- 个别通知只限于第1阶段合格者
*접수기간 : 2021.06.01(화) - 2021.06.30(수)
One of the biggest Korean broadcasting station MBC is now preparing for a global idol audition show with PD Han Dong Chul who produced several famous TV shows, such as 《Show Me the Money》 《Unpretty Rapstar》 《Produce101》
Application Period: ~ 30th JUNE 23:59 KST (early closure possibility exist)
Age: Any girls who were born in 2010 or earlier
How to Apply: Register 1-minute self-introduction via
*Google form link: https://bit.ly/3fHCbvw
- Application is not available to edit after submission. Thus, please carefully fill in the application.
- Self-introduction video must be NO LONGER than 1 minute.
- Hopefully, your 1-minute video includes BOTH your self-ntroduction AND some of your talents which can show us about 'yourself'
(singing, dancing, rapping, acting, talents, sports, comedy, personal broadcasting, review, etc.).
- Please do not use any camera filter or any photography application (your video will be exempt from the judgment)
- If you have any inquiries about the audition, please email us at "phunky_1@phunkystudio.com" (Available language: Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese).
- Audition results will be sent to selected individuals only, via the contact provided on the submitted application.
*지원하기(해외. 구글폼)
*지원하기(국내외 통합. 네이버폼)